Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So, everyone has their own take on this sort of relationship, from solely in the bedroom to 24/7. I assume everyone has elements which make it work for them-- one person may absolutely "need" bondage, another might just need to have direction given from the D...

What are your non-negotiables? What are things in the relationship that, if removed, would take away from its' overall value?

And, when those things are included, what do they bring to the relationship?

If you are visiting/reading, I do hope you'll share. I'm thinking this over for a future post. At the moment, however, I'm in the process of packing/moving and I'd love the welcome distraction of your thoughts/opinions.




Ally said...

Great question... I don't know if I'll be able to answer it clearly, but I'll give it a try.
I feel like Brad and I are currently in the middle of rebuilding our relationship. It's been a very long and hard year for us. We are in a place where we seem to be very very slowly moving forward. Too slow for me, but we have two kids and life is busy. If I rewind to back where we were 3-6 months after I started the blog I would have said I "need" spanking to be a part of our relationship. I can say from experience that it facilitated me being able to be more open and vulnerable with him and really, myself too. I can also say that in the absence of it, first I get anxious and kind of annoyed, then I resent it, and then I become apathetic. I also pretty much lose my sex drive. That is also due to the fact that we aren't connecting well. They are all kind of tied up into one confusing knot. I know spanking is pretty general, I don't think there are any specific things (like bondage) that I would say are absolute needs.

JMDee said...

That's a great answer-- it is what makes you feel closer and more fulfilled by your relationship. I have been trying to filter through the elements that make this irresistible to me. I am having a hard time pinning it down, so I thought I would ask and get some perspective. Thanks for sharing!