Thursday, April 14, 2011

The male of the species and something to ponder


John: What are you thinking about?

Jane: Eh... a few things I read today in blogs.

John: About?

Jane: Yanno... STUFF.

John: What stuff?

Jane:  I  know I'm trying to be more honest and open (pause, shuffle shuffle) but I'm pretty sure that I'm the kinkier of the two of us and I fear that I'm significantly kinkier and then what are we going to do when you find out that I'm not just kinky... I'm, like, KINKY.

John: We'll work it out.

three days later....

(Couple clearly finishes engaging in a something or other which will not be detailed here-- but they are smiling and you have imaginations.)

Jane: That was surprising-- where did "that" come from?

John:  Well, you said you thought you were more kinky...

Jane:  I said I WORRIED that I was more kinky.

John: Yeah, well, I took it as a challenge. 

Jane:  Seriously?  I tell you  my fear and you think I'm throwing down the gauntlet?

John:  Well, I don't think you're more kinky than I am. 



Ally said...

That was cute... at least he's up for the challenge! :)

JMDee said...

I agree-- I just have to curb my curiosity when it comes to wondering what else might come from challenging him... :D